Wherever you look on the Internet at the moment there’s one thing that grabs everyones attention…the Brick Wall Illusion.
I’ve got to admit I didn’t get it to start with and was frantically looking for spoilers to put me out of my misery.
Then I found one and now I can’t ‘unsee‘, it if that makes sense.
The illusion was first posted on Arron Bevin’s Facebook page on 16th May 2016 and he called it the “best optical illusion” he’s ever seen. So far it has already received over 60,000 comments , 61,000 Facebook likes and shared nearly 45,000 times!!
The power of Social Media eh?!!
Have a look for yourself below…do you see anything unusual? Nope? Don’t worry, you’re definitely not the only one to be flummoxed by this.

Now look at it again. Try to spot the cigar that’s poking out from between two of the bricks. Now do you see it?